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About the game SHAPES GAME

Shapes Game - shape recognition

What shape is a chocolate bar and what is an orange slice? Which element will easily pass through a hole of a certain shape and which one will be blocked due to the specific arrangement of the sides? Shapes Game is a proposal in which all doubts of this type will be dispelled. This educational game from NAU.Kids makes your child learn logical thinking and reasoning. It allows you to get acquainted with various shapes, and often also learning new vocabulary.

Shapes Game is very simple and repetitive entertainment, but when you learn new things, repeating seems to be the key activity. Sit down with your child for a pleasant educational session - play together with some interesting proposals from the series and choose the most favorite (there is a good chance that they will be some coloring pages, but matching shapes is also high in the ranking of opportunities!). Getting used to everyday objects and repeating the names of elements seen on the screen is an additional advantage.

Come up with a system for dealing with new issues and repeat more difficult topics until the result. If at any stage it is difficult for your child to fit into the opening of the pizza half or the basket ball, repeat these passages more often. Over time, he will certainly get used to the whole issue and the rest will go smoothly. Remember that this is just an educational game - in the Shapes Game there is no time limit or any restrictions. You can have fun and learn for as long as you need to.

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