
Number Constellations


Oznaczenia PEGI

About the game Number Constellations

Number Constellations - soaring number constellations

Have you ever seen a sky dotted with numbered asterisks? In Number Constellations by NAU.Kids, you have your chance! Run the kids' test of knowing numbers from 0 to 10 so that your little ones have a chance to prove themselves while having fun and learning new things. The fluidity of numerical operations in this area will certainly be achieved quite quickly, which will allow children to move to more advanced activities. By accompanying them in this process, you have a chance to give advice, supplement your knowledge in the event of questions that are full of keen interest, etc.

Number Constellations has a nice scenery and an undemanding form. The constellations in the sky are made up of numbered stars, and the child's task is to draw a line from the lowest number to the highest. It starts with three, to complete the experience over time and go up to ten. Although for some it is not a demanding task, in the case of a few-year-olds it is often quite a feat!

The game, or rather the fun of Number Constellations, is uncomplicated and unhurried. There is no timer, and the system signals mistakes and allows you to come back for improvement. A well-given answer is hard to miss - you can hear the characteristic noise of the cheering crowd. The wrong answer is also clearly signaled, but that is not what you want to hear, right? Help your child master the whole set of numbers and enjoy small successes with him.

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