
Minecraft Builder


Oznaczenia PEGI

About the game Minecraft Builder

What is Minecraft Builder all about?

Minecraft Builder Online is a reference to the classic computer game Minecraft, known by many older and younger players. The world is built of hexagonal blocks in different colors - individual blocks represent: earth, grass, wood, leaves, stone and even water. You can use these and many other solids to build any structure.

In Minecraft Builder you will have the opportunity to show your creativity and ability to create projects of houses, skyscrapers or vehicles. In addition, thanks to very easy and intuitive operating instructions, you will quickly learn the rules of the game and how to control the world, so the game will become pure pleasure for you!

How can you control your character in Minecraft Builder Online?

Minecraft Builder Online allows you to travel around the map in many ways, including walking, stealth and even flying. You will also interact with the world - break and place blocks, and open or close doors. In addition, you can change game options and switch between build mode and normal mode. You can do all this by using the appropriate buttons on the computer keyboard:

  • WASD or arrow buttons - move forward, sideways and backward,
  • left mouse button - hitting and destroying blocks, selecting blocks from the inventory,
  • right mouse button - building, placing blocks in the world,
  • left Shift - running,
  • tab - open and close the inventory,
  • C - crouching/sneaking,
  • F - turning on the flying mode,
  • Q - flying up,
  • E - flying down,
  • T - interaction button; allows, among other things, to open and close the door,
  • G -throwing the currently held item,
  • B - toggle build mode on and off. In it you have unlimited access to all blocks. Apart from that, you have to acquire all the resources and collect them in your inventory,
  • X - placing a brick in the world,
  • M - block levitation; you throw the blocks in the air and they fall in a random arrangement on the map.
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tags for the game Minecraft Builder

aplikacja mobilna