
Ping Pong


Oznaczenia PEGI

About the game Ping Pong

Ping Pong - who doesn't love this sport?

What distinguishes universal sports disciplines? Uncomplicated rules, a low entry threshold and the possibility for non-specialized people to participate in the fun can certainly be indicated. In Ping Pong, it doesn't matter if someone is tall, short, squat or has curly or straight hair - everyone can grab a small paddle in their hands and stand at the table for an exciting game. Do you like this live game? You'll love it online too!

Ping Pong requires you to remember a few simple rules - we have a rectangular table to play, and two players face each other at its shorter sides. In the middle there is a net that separates the rivals' fields from each other. You get a paddle in your hands, and on the side of the starting player there is a small white ball. She is the most important here! The point, of course, is to reflect it among themselves. However, it cannot be done in any way - the starting person must hit the ball on his side and throw it to the opponent's side, there the ball must also touch the table, and then be hit by the other player. Simple? Sure!

If a fail happens and you don't have time to bounce the ball when it flies past your ear, you simply lose a point. Remember, however, that it works both ways - try to direct the path of the ball in such a way that the opponent has the least chance of successfully returning it. In Ping Pong on, the game continues until one of the players scores 10 points (in the offline edition, a set is considered victorious when it reaches 11 points, including a minimum of two more than the opponent).

Playing online, you have the opportunity to develop motor skills and reflexes without being afraid that you will break the window with the ball or lose it. Grab the rocket and move it efficiently - the more you move it from side to side, the better the level of spin it will achieve during the flight. So what, when do we start your first match?

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tags for the game Ping Pong

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