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Action games - something for adrenaline lovers

If you like when a lot is going on and the tasks you are faced with raise a lot of emotions, action games are the section for you. Dynamic twists, high levels of adrenaline and eternal glory after completing the mission - this is what you can expect while exploring these parts. Be vigilant as well as show reflexes and dexterity to achieve success!

One of the action games worth paying attention to is Jurassic Survival World, built on the Unity Dinosaurs engine. It has two modes to choose from - single or multiplayer, which means that you can also invite a friend, brother or cousin to play together, depending on who you spend time with. What's your job? You play the role of a sniper who travels the forest in search of dangerous dinosaurs. You are equipped with the appropriate equipment, so when you meet, all you need to do is precisely aim and shoot. But remember that you are a tasty morsel for them, so you better have eyes around your head!

Action games are not only running with weapons and killing wild beasts or criminals racing with the police. Smack Dat Ex is undoubtedly an exciting position in which you have to face ... the other half! You're going on a romantic date, but you're really fed up with yourself and when the emotions run high, the food and tablecloths start flying around the room and you face each other in a fight. A jump from a chandelier or beating your partner on the head with it… all holds up!

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