League of Legends Guide League of Legends Guide

06.09.2022 15:Sep

League of Legends Guide

League of Legends is one of the most popular, if not the most popular computer game in the world. The production of Riot Games from 2009 attracts millions of players every day in front of computer screens, has a mobile version, and for a few weeks the most popular series on Netflix was "Arcane", a story that takes place in the world of LoL. League of Legends is a typical representative of the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre known for the fact that every computer can handle it and you don't have to be an outstanding player to have fun with it.

What is LoL?

League of Legends is a five-on-five team game. The main idea is to destroy our rivals' Nexus. The Nexus is the main building in each team's base. Its significance is the only condition for winning LoL, but keep in mind that teams also have the option to surrender. There are three lines leading to the rivals' Nexus: top, middle and bottom. On each of them we will find three towers that protect access to the base. Between the lines is a jungle where neutral creatures periodically appear, including elemental dragons and Baron Nashor, whose capture can significantly bring your team closer to victory.


League of Legends - team roles

Since we play five people on a team in LoL, there are also five roles. They are toplaner, jungler, midlaner, AD Carry (also called shooter) and supporters. You could write a doctoral thesis about each of them, because none of them is limited to one way of playing or performing a specific task in a team. Of course, the supporter's main role is to provide vision for his crew, and the jungler should be responsible for securing the dragons and the Baron.

On the other hand, the vision can be set up by a sorceress of the wind, a muscular guy with a large shield and a murderer sailor, and each of these characters is played in a completely different way. Even AD Carry players are no longer limited to ranged characters that deal physical damage, because regularly in the bot lane we can also meet mages and even killers.


How does the game in LoL look like?

Each LoL game begins with a character selection. Depending on the game mode, this will either be in a specific order or everyone will be able to choose the character they want on a first come, first served basis. After selecting a hero, the teams are transferred to the game. Depending on your role in the team, you have to go to your lane (or the creature in the forest from which you start cleaning it, if you're a jungler) and ... that's all the preparations. The match has already started. or force them to lose the gold and experience you get for killing minions.For starters, this is all the information you need to know.


What role and character should I start with?

Where you start your League of Legends adventure doesn't really matter. There are people who started in mid and played mechanically demanding assassins, but found their calling only in the top lane, playing with tanks. On the other hand, people starting with supporters, whose main role was to strengthen the shooter, quickly realized that they prefer to control the gameplay while navigating the jungle. Whichever you choose, you'll need at least a few games to get the basics down, so if you want to play a fire mage - don't hold back. Additionally, the game has a built-in rating for the 'difficulty' of playing characters, so you always know if you've reached for something higher-end. Traditionally, however, it is recommended to start with Ashe, Garen or Master Yi.


The easiest ways to win the match

The oldest and still the best way to win a match is to win the linear phase decisively. If you manage to dominate your opponent on the line, eliminate him several times, gain an advantage in the killed creatures and destroy the tower, you will have more gold and experience from him. This, in turn, will result in better stats and better items. Then you can also go to other parts of the map to help your allies, because even if your opponent follows you, your team should be stronger in a two-on-two match.


What items to build and how to develop a character?

There is no unequivocal answer to these questions. It all depends on what your opponent has chosen, what your opponent composition looks like, what role you have to play in your composition, and what the current version of the game is like, because the way you build your characters has changed dramatically over the years. Let's discuss this with an example. When playing a tank in top lane, your opponent is a character dealing magic damage. However, all the rest of the opposing team deal physical damage.

Here you have to answer the question of what is more important. Are you trying to win the line or helping your team in team fights? The way you play will depend on how you answer. On the other hand, the most popular builds and development paths for each character can be found on the Internet on websites like op.gg or mobafire.


How to start playing LoL?

It couldn't be easier. Just sign up for a Riot Games account and download the League of Legends client to your computer. Once installed and running, you need to log into your account and select a nickname that will be displayed in the game (this is NOT the same as your account name). LoL is known for its ridiculously low hardware requirements and the fact that it will even go on a calculator powered by a potato battery, so technical problems shouldn't arise.

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