13.09.2022 12:Sep
Free League of Legends heroes
To play a character in League of Legends, you must purchase that character. This can of course be done with money, but there is no need to do so. For just playing, you get points that can be exchanged for characters. But how do you know if you want to spend your points on a specific champion? This is where the free champion rotation comes in handy.
We have over 150 characters in LoL. Therefore, it will take a long time for the player to have the full range of options at his disposal. Developers are aware of this, so there is a free champion rotation every week, available for everyone to try out.
Usually, we find a large cross-section of character archetypes in it. This means that you will be able to try one or two control mages, shooters, assassins, tanks, etc. This allows - especially novice players - to get acquainted with a large number of heroes to know what they are doing when you have to face them on the server , but also try them out for yourself and decide if it's a good idea to buy them.
Rotation occurs every Monday evening. It receives a dozen or so heroes who change after a week. However, please note that they will not be available in ranked matches. This is a good safeguard against more enthusiastic players who are very keen to test new characters in this mode and don't have much respect for the ranking points of their teammates.
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