Support Support

13.09.2022 12:Sep


Initially, in League of Legends, the least popular role to play was Support. This was because initially playing this position was limited to assisting the shooter during the line phase, then almost the only role of the support was to provide vision for his team. However, this has changed over time and now the difference in skills between players in the supporting position can determine the result of the entire match.

Traditionally speaking, support, players first think of a character who mainly focuses on shielding and healing allies. In addition, it can slow down or in some way hinder the game for rivals, providing space for teammates. However, this is not someone who will win eliminations and dominate team fights (at least in the traditional sense of the word). The best examples of this are Janna and Lulu.

However, with the following seasons, characters began to appear in League of Legends that, although they were to play as supporters, played a completely different role. Thresh stood out exceptionally in this respect, as it allowed players in the support position to have an unprecedented expression of their mechanical skills. Thresh allowed for a much more offensive game, his chain provided very good crowd control and additionally allowed him to reduce the distance to his rival, which, combined with a lantern that Thresh can attract allies, allows for really creative play. It is a character that allows you to play offensive and defensive almost as well, while not dying from one or two opponents' skills.

Over time, more such characters appeared in League of Legends, and now we have more or less two types of heroes as support. One type is the traditional supporters that provide shields and boost the marksman's stats, and the other type are characters that play more aggressively, intended to initiate fights and immobilize rivals so that they can be eliminated by their allies. Of course, you can't think about it as zero-one and often, although the character fits well in one way of playing, one of his skills is a bit more suited to the latter group of heroes.

However, there is also Pyke. This is a unique character in the scale of the entire role. What distinguishes him is the ultimate skill, thanks to which enemies hit by it, who are below a certain level, simply die on the spot. This gives assisting allies extra gold, and after a successful kill, the ultimate ability is reusable for a short time, so if Pyke hits a group of battered opponents, he can get Pentakill fairly easily. This is a rare skill, especially for supports. Thanks to her, he breaks the mold and is in his own class of supporting assassins.

The supporters, on the other hand, always play with their AD Carries during the linear phase. They, too, are primarily responsible for the team vision, while they can either initiate fights and run into rivals as one of the first in the team, or they can keep their marksman safe by making life difficult for rival assassins and providing AD Carry with the necessary space to shine in a team fight.

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