13.09.2022 12:Sep
Midlaner is almost always the most important player on any League of Legends team. This is due to the very simple fact that Mid Lane - as the name suggests - is right in the center of the map. So often there are junglers nearby, and side lanes players can also move to mid quite quickly to support their teammate. So the midlaners need to have their eyes around their heads and play very carefully, but they are compensated by the fact that they are the most important or one of the two most important players on the team.
The variety of characters available for the mid lane is huge. Usually, if something is strong in a different position - top, jungle, ADC or even support - it will be played in mid over time. The result is the varied playstyle we see in this position. Traditionally, however, this is a role dominated by control mages.
Annie, Lux, Brand, Vel'Koz or Xerath are typical mages that we meet in this middle lane. Their way of playing is simple. They deal most damage with their abilities, adding auto attacks very sporadically. They focus on getting gold and experience from minions and are not very mobile. Therefore, their team should focus on playing around them and in team fights with them, because there they are able to use their skills and beat many rivals at once.
However, there are also mages who are much more focused on navigating the map. Taliyah and Aurelion Sol are the best examples of mida characters who love to push the wave and go down a side alley, but are also pretty good at Twisted Fate and Ryze, whose ultimate ability allows you to teleport over a distance.
Besides, for years the mid lane was also home to assassins. Akali, Katarina, Zed and Talon are traditional mid lane characters whose main task is to eliminate the opponent in a one-on-one situation. They want to shorten the distance and kill their rival, after which they often disappear from the line and look for isolated targets all over the map.
This does not mean, however, that the midlaner cannot have a supporting role in the team. Absolutely can. The best example of this is Galio, who is good at minions but doesn't necessarily want to duel one-on-one. Instead, he prefers to jump into a crowd of rivals and impose crowd control effects on them. Malzahar works in a similar way, he can get rid of the creatures very safely and, with the help of a forester, immobilize and exclude his rival.
There are also shooters in the middle lane. Corki has already moved to mid, and Varus and Jhin have played there in the past, and Vayne and Quinn have played there sporadically as a counter. We also cannot forget about the times when Sion could calmly compete with other midlaners in pushing the wave, although he only built items for resistance.
With such a wide variety of characters, it's hard to describe how a midlaner should play. Usually, the best way to play a game is to push the line and go down the side lane, but Fizz is much better at it than Azir. You can't even recommend any summoner spell, because for Zed, ignite will be invaluable, while Varus doesn't despise cleanse. Therefore, it is best to focus on how the game is natural for you and choose your heroes for that.
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