Toplaner Toplaner

13.09.2022 12:Sep


Top lane is one of five items in League of Legends. As the name suggests, a top laner is a player who plays on the top side of the map during the linear phase. It is one of the most demanding, because traditionally most of the matches are held here "one-on-one", and the role of the heroes in the team is very diverse: from tanks designed to absorb damage in team fights, to split pushers, who stay away from the rest their team and try to win the game alone.

If you're new to League of Legends, then Top Lane is a good way to focus mainly on your own game. You are not forced to cooperate with another player on the team as a shooter and support, and your lane is not in the center of the map, so even the foresters will not get involved often in your affairs. This means that you can focus mainly on yourself and your opponent.

Therefore, it is important that you know what role the toplaner plays in the team. For many years, the top lane was dominated by "tanks", that is characters that focus mainly on building stamina rather than dealing damage. Therefore, their main task was to play safely, avoiding situations in which you could die, e.g. after the intervention of your rivals' forester. That's when teleportation became a must-have summoner spell for top players. It allowed them to focus on quietly earning gold and lane experience, and then teleporting to aid their team elsewhere on the map. The best examples of such characters are: Maokai, Malphite, Ornn, Sion and Shen.

By contrast, toplane is not just about taking damage. You can also ask them in the top lane. And in really large amounts. Depending on the version of League of Legends, "split pushers" are popular, characters that are extremely strong in 1 vs 1 matches and destroy rivals' towers in no time. These characters tend to be fairly weak in the early game to compensate for how powerful they are after building three items. Examples of such characters include: Fiora, Camille, and Jax.

But that's not all. There are also heroes in top lane that somehow combine the two ways of playing. They usually start out with a fair amount of damage in their base stats and have their strongest point after building their first item. However, along with the next items, they must focus on building endurance, because other heroes are ahead of them in their ability to deal damage. The best example of this is Darius, who is very dangerous in the first levels, but loses its importance over time, although you still have to watch out for him because he has the ability to execute his targets.

There are also mages who sometimes hit the top lane, like Viktor or Vladimir, and recently you have found Akali, the typical mid lane assassin, quite often on the top. Besides, Jayce has been one of the more popular choices for this role for years, and he deals physical damage, combines ranged play with close combat, but in the context of the whole team, he is mainly supposed to beat rivals from a distance before team fights and destroy the tower.

Therefore, although we have certain stereotypes of the heroes who appear there in the top lane, it is never boring. There will almost always be one or two characters that allow for a completely different way to play than the most popular one at the moment. The role of a toplaner, on the other hand, is most often taking damage for a team in fights or putting pressure on a side lane and trying to win the game alone.

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