13.09.2022 12:Sep
Jungler, jungler or forester is one of the five roles on a League of Legends squad. It stands out from all the others, because foresters do not directly compete with each other. Their duel is much more correspondence and to be a good jungler, it is not enough to just focus on yourself, but also take into account the events on the entire map. This is definitely not a role that is recommended for novice players.
There are several factors to play in the jungle. First of all, the game in this position is about eliminating neutral creatures that appear every few minutes on the map. On each side of the map there are exactly the same monsters, but they are mirrored. Ie. that if there are wolves on the blue side of the map in the upper jungle, they are on the red side in the lower part. The only exception is the lair of the dragon and the Baron, which are located on opposite sides of the map, but the creatures appearing in them are not identical.
The most basic way to play a jungler is to clear your part of the forest of creatures. After completing this task, the decision is made whether to go to the nearby line and try to help other players from your team, go to the other part of your forest and continue cleaning, or enter the opponent's forest and take his creatures from him. Already at this stage you can see that it is a much more decisive game than playing on the line. Depending on how we want to play, we can choose the characters that will make it possible for us.
The master of forest farming is Nunu, who is a mechanically very simple hero. He has a skill that deals tremendous damage to creatures and, at the same time, refunds him some health points. This means that not only does he clear the jungle quickly, he is still in a good position afterwards to help his allies (or enter the rival's forest). However, he is not the best when it comes to dueling with an opponent, so you have to be careful against rival junglers. A similar way of playing, but with more strength in combat, Nidalee is more mechanically demanding, but in many cases she can boldly enter the opponent's forest to surprise him.
We also have characters like Xin Zhao and Lee Sin who, while playing in the woods, mostly want to appear on the lines. Especially in the early stages of the game. They are then very strong, relatively to most of the other characters, and can duel with them, and the ability to dash to the rival rewards aggression on the lines.
In addition, characters can be played in the forest who fulfill different roles in the team. Usually they are characters that support their team more, like Xin Zhao, Lee Sin or Nunu, who can be strong in the early stages of the game, but with time they definitely give way to their teammates. However, this is not always the case. Nidalee, Diana or Qiyana are able to take control of the match and even deal with a midlaner on their own. However, strong junglers are difficult to play and require a lot of coordination with the team or a player's mechanical dominance over his opponent.
However, ignoring the style of play, the role of each forester on the team is always the same. Since he has a smite (electrocuted) his primary task is to protect the dragon and the Baron. Smite deals a lot of damage to minions, usually more than any other skill in the match. Therefore, it is up to the forester to ensure that Nashor and the dragon are on his team. However, it is worth noting once again that this is a very unusual role in League of Legends, the game looks completely different in this position than in any other position, and new players should not start their adventure with playing in a different position, but try to play in the forest, when they get to know the mechanics of LoL a little better.
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