Master Yi (Wuju Swordsman) Master Yi (Wuju Swordsman)

13.09.2022 12:Sep

Master Yi (Wuju Swordsman)

Master Yi, while seemingly one of the simpler characters in League of Legends, can actually be a bit of a problem for newbies. Mainly because his task is to reach the rivals' shooter or midlaner, eliminate him immediately and start a series of kills. However, as you can guess, eliminating these targets is not easy. However, if it does, there are few heroes who can provide that much satisfaction without requiring amazing skill.

Master Yi's primary skill is "q". Thanks to it, he teleports to one target, dealing damage to his nearby companions. It remains impossible to hit during the animation. This is his greatest strength. He can quickly shorten the distance, and when he gets close, the only way to stop him is to reduce his health points to zero.

Therefore, Master Yi has to build items that enable him to deal damage. He cannot escape, so when he moves forward, it is necessary to eliminate the target. This does not mean, however, that he is a suicide. He survives using Ultimate Skill, which not only speeds him up, but also makes him immune to all slowdowns. So he can often find an opportunity to catch the rivals' shooter.

Moreover, his ultimate ability also grants a cooldown reduction on other skills. This means that one elimination often turns into several, and even a pentakill. Therefore, you have to be very careful with Master Yi.

Besides, it is worth knowing that "w" not only allows you to heal some health points, but also provides a bonus to resistance. Therefore, in a crisis situation, you can use "w" for a moment, wait for a while until the cooldown returns, and become invulnerable again during the "q" animation.

Besides, Master Yi is a very straightforward character. It consists of auto attacks, avoiding damage with "q" and trying to quickly eliminate one target to start a kill streak. However, it does not require mechanic perfection, because most of the time he attacks the creatures in the jungle, trying to collect the necessary items to pose a threat to his opponents.

So it is an assassin, which, however, by the current standards lacks the versatility to appear at the highest level of the game, but if nobody stops it in the early stages of the game, it will be a nuisance in the later stages of the game. That is why he is also sometimes played in the top lane, but in the woods it is much easier to wait out for him to have weaker moments.

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