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Dinosaurs - mysterious creatures from before our era

Dinosaurs, as dangerous creatures with a characteristic image, are a popular motif in movies and games. If the Jurassic Park is the cult item that appeals to you the most, and you are also looking for an element of adrenaline and a little tension in entertainment - games with their participation should appeal to you. There are different scenes, circumstances and even roles to choose from! So if you have some spare time and you want a pleasant recreation, sit back and delve into this interesting section of games.

Jungle Dino Hunter is a classic sniper game in which you play as a human with a powerful weapon and travel across territories where dinosaurs roam. Be careful - they can come (or rather: run fast!) From literally all sides! Look around carefully, and when you spot movement, precisely aim and shoot until you see your opponent fall. In each level, you have a specific task to complete, i.e. a certain number of pets to defeat. The charm of the whole is added by the horror-filled scenery and music straight from a horror movie.

Rio Rex, LA Rex and Mexico Rex are, in turn, a series in which ... you stand on the opposite side and are a dinosaur! You travel through towns and villages in search of signs of life that you are, of course, to eliminate. Here, too, you get a clear list of tasks for a given level and you just have to complete it by devouring people, destroying buildings and burning cars. Great fun!

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