The rules of the game in Chinese The rules of the game in Chinese

08.09.2022 16:Sep

The rules of the game in Chinese

Chinese, a game from India with a rich, long tradition, is also known as ludo, pachisi or "Man, do not get irritated." In Europe, and probably also in Poland, the first games of the current version of the board game were played only a hundred years ago. Exciting gameplay is a guarantee of fun not only for children or teenagers, but also for adults.

What are the basic rules of playing Chinese?

At first , playing Chinese may seem very easy to you because the rules are not too complicated. However, this does not mean that you will be bored during the game! This board game can be extremely exciting, and at the same time it can teach players the rules of competition and useful tactical skills. It brings a lot of joy and satisfaction, so when you spread it on a table, floor or blanket, you will certainly be able to start more than one party.

You do not need complicated equipment to carry out the batch - you only need a few necessary elements. The first is a special square board. On it there are fields forming the shape of a cross - it is on them that the pawns will move. There are also special zones - "lockers", in which each player places his pieces at the beginning of the game, and "houses", ie places where each pawn must be reached in order to win.

Pawns are the second necessary element. There are 16 of them in total - 4 of each color. The most commonly used figures are red, yellow, blue and green. The last important item is the dice - roll it and the drawn number of spots will show you how many squares you need to move your pawn.


How to play Chinese?

You can play Chinese in a group of 2 to 4 people. At the very beginning, everyone should choose the color of the pawns with which they will move. After unfolding the board, place the figures in the "lockers" in the corners. It is important that the colors of the pawns and fields are the same - thanks to this you will avoid mistakes during the game. Then determine the order in which to roll the dice with the rest of the players (remembering that usually the youngest person starts). The goal is to draw 6 points - each player has 3 tries to do this. If you manage to do this, you can place one of your pawns on the starting square, i.e. on the dot in the color of your figures. Then roll again and move the piece clockwise as many squares as there were dice.

If there is a situation where a six comes up more than once, you have the right to roll the dice until a different number is drawn. You must add these results together and move the calculated number of squares. When 6 points are scored, there is also another option - you can put another piece on your starting field.

The goal of the game is to go around the whole board and get to your "house" with each pawn. This may be easy at first, but there are some drawbacks. Well, the real fun begins only when all players have already come out of the figures from the "clipboard".

The rules of the Chinese game say that during the game you can jump over the pieces - both your own and those belonging to other players. However, if one player ends his move on a square with another declarer's figure, he eliminates it and brings it back to the "clipboard". Then you have to roll a six and start the lap again.

The only safe place on the board is the "house" - when you get to it, your pawn cannot be captured, because other players are not allowed to enter this place. If you manage to get to the "house", and no pieces of yours will remain on the board, you will wait with longing for 6 points after rolling the dice - only then you can take another pawn from the "clipboard". As in the beginning, you have 3 tries to do this each round. The same is true when all pieces are captured.

The game is won by the person who is the first to reach his own "house" with all his pawns. However, if there are more players, the tournament may go on - the other players then fight for the second and third place on the podium.

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