Games for the tag "Dark":

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If you like horror-like atmosphere or are looking for the perfect proposition for an evening of scares planned with friends - be sure to check out the dark games category. These are definitely proposals for people with strong nerves who want goosebumps and a thrill of fear. Games available in browsers are usually very simple, and their special atmosphere is created by an atmosphere built with dark scenery, disturbing music and scary characters. Sounds a bit creepy? That's exactly how it should! If you feel encouraged, it means that you should test the horror gameplay.

One of the proposals that definitely represents dark games is the arcade game Granny: Horror Village. The name itself sounds (dis) inviting, depending on your attitude towards ghouls and spooks. The rules are not complicated - you have to run away from the bad grandma and not get caught by her. In short - the title granny is not a beloved granny at all, but a character who, in short, wants to destroy you. Fortunately, if you decide that this is not entertainment for you - just close the game, turn off the computer and hide under the bed. Hope no one can get you there!

The dark games will surely please all fans of chilling stories with supernatural elements in the background. Of course, this is only a form of fun, so there is no real stress in the slightest. For some people, dark games are just a bunch of laughs!

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