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Sharks - majestic animals in browser games

Are you interested and intrigued by wild, dangerous animals? Sharks are definitely one of them. They are dangerous and unpredictable, they inhabit the waters of tropical or arctic basins, and eat - depending on the species - plankton or smaller animals. How are they portrayed in games? They are, of course, colorful, beautifully drawn and with ominous expressions on their faces. You can choose from several interesting games of a different nature.

One interesting and simple proposition where sharks appear is Hungry Shark Arena. You sneak out of the helicopter to return to your natural environment in which you feel best. And here begins the fun well-known from other simulators of this type - you move through the underwater space, devouring smaller fish and scattered food. Later, when you gain some weight and strength, you can also try to eat incautious swimmers. Remember not to try to attack individuals larger than you - it may result in loss of health or even life. Be careful and don't run into green algae or suspicious looking objects!

My Shark Show is a game that shows sharks from a slightly different side. You play as one of them and perform in the arena in front of hundreds of people evaluating your presentation. First you just have to grab the meat, then the bigger challenges start - jumping over hoops, knocking over people in boats ... Have fun!

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